Friday, December 16, 2016

Class Evaluation
          Some things I liked about computer class was that we were learning to type without looking at the keyboard. I also liked that we got to learn the experiences of other people when they chose the wrong one. I also liked that every day we came to computer class and learned to be a CTR person. Another thing I liked about the class is that we always write a reflection and that makes me feel good because I know I'm saying the right thing.
            There are very few things I do not like in this class, for example I would like that when we finish doing the work that the teacher gives us, we can do what we want but stay in our seats. But no, we finished and we are just sitting bored waiting for the other ends so that the teacher gives us another job or change the subject.
             One of the recommendations that I must carry out to have a good grade and improve in class as much as being good at writing in computer and being good student of the class, also to fulfill the works of the class. In short, be a CTR person every day.
             The highlight for me in this class was when I try to get 100% typing tutor because almost nobody can reach 100% and I get 99% that was my highlight.
             I'm reading my life planning goals journal even for only 5 minutes and I'm also putting them where they should be.

Monday, December 12, 2016

”When you tell one lie, it leads to another”
By Paul Hatch
This statement means that when you lie you always lead to another lie and you continue to make worse what it really is or what happened, it is easier to tell the truth so that the problem is over or so you always feel good about telling the truth. Many people find it easier to lie but more difficult to deal with the problem they caused by telling lies. When you tell the truth you feel good and you do not continue telling a lie after another lie. Every lie has its reward as telling the truth also has it.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The sting of the scorpion
This is one of the lessons that can happen our life, if you do not do the right thing to face problems and nobody wants that, then choose the right and obtain success and not the consequences. The video shows that the boy did not listen to his parents and I faced a big problem because that was the result of not doing the right thing. He prefers to wear sandals to be comfortable with his shoes, but that place is dangerous for any visitor who is not prepared for it.
“Always do Right”.
                                                                                By Mark Twain
This statement means that one of the things we should always do is the right thing, everyone who does the right things is the good people, good people are the ones who apply everything good in their lives, whatever it is that only acts To do it right. Many people do not do the right thing and look like bad people, that's why it's important to do the right thing to be good people.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

“World War II

What are the dates for WW II ?
  • The dates for WW II are September 1, 1939 - September 2, 1945

What countries fought against whom in WWII ?
  • World War 2 was fought between two groups of countries. On one side were the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other side were the Allies. They included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.
  • Germany was ruled by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler wanted Germany to control Europe. Japan wanted to control Asia and the Pacific. In 1937 Japan attacked China. In 1939 Germany invaded Poland. This is how World War 2 began.
  • Some countries did not join the war, but stayed neutral (on either side). Spain, Sweden and Switzerland were neutral countries. So was Ireland, though many Irish people helped the Allies.
Name  and describe a few events that happened during WW II :

  • 1942 Following the US entering the war, the mobilization of war was quick and effective with car makers and other manufacturers changing to production of weapons of war. Bing Crosby "White Christmas" from Bing Crosby first appeared in the movie "Holiday Inn". The US sentiment towards Japanese following Pearl Harbor showed itself when 120,000 people of Japanese descent were sent TO internment camps. Guam, Hong Kong, Wake, Singapore and the Philippines, but in late 1942 the US began to turn round the war with major offenses at Midway and The Coral Sea. And meanwhile the allied forces in Europe invaded North Africa in November.

Friday, December 2, 2016

The 3 Questions
                                                     Lou Holtz
1.Can people trust me to do what’s right?
2. Am i committed to doing my very best?
3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?

Yes, people can trust me even if they do not know me but they will not want to trust me because they do not see me, I have to prove them first so they can look and trust me,and of course I'm committed to putting my selves So that everything goes well and try not to defraud those who already trust in me and that more people trust in me.  I also want to be treated as I treat them, because I will not want a bad treatment of people when in fact I treat them well, it can also be the opposite but I am not like that.
Challenges Teens Face Today

The several of the major challenges teens deal with today:
  • Teen Suicide
  • Cyber bullying & Bullying at School
  • Internet & Online Addiction
  • Teens & Sex: The Hookup Culture
  • Teen & Substance Abuse

  • Eating Disorders
  • Violent Video Games
  • Teenagers Watching Porn
  • Violence on TV
  • Violence at Home
  • Violent Culture
            One major challenge i was dealing with today :
  • Internet  & online addiction
             I use my cell phone a lot in class and since I wake up.
             Digital natives prefer to text rather than talk on the phone. They do not listen or leave voice mails, and prefer to socialize on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram rather than on the playground or at the town square.

.I would tell them “You are going to fail school if you keep this up.”